Anyone who has an older dog or cat knows that they just get sweeter with age. Older pets that have been faithful companions for so many years, just want love and comfort in their final years. Unfortunately old age and frequent visits to the vet sometimes go hand in hand. We understand that true financial hardship might prevent a pet owner from caring for a senior pet. However, seniors are commonly left at area shelters by owners who just don’t want to deal with the expenses and problems associated with an aging pet. What a tragedy for the dog or cat after a lifetime of giving love!
Senior pets surrendered to shelters are at an extremely high risk for euthanasia. They are expensive for shelters to care for and prepare for adoption, and many adopters are looking for a long-term family companion. Pet Rescue of Maryland (PRM) is solving this problem in its community and BISSELL Pet Foundation is proud to be supporting their work.
PRM’s thriving ‘Seniors for Seniors’ adoption program saves lives by matching senior dogs and cats with seniors adopters. PMR makes sure the pets find good homes without burdening their new owners. To accomplish this, PRM waives adoption fees and fully vets the senior pets so they go to their new homes in good health. Often this involves extensive veterinary care including blood panels, dental work, and even cardiology consultation. Through a recent grant from BPF, PRM was able to save 6 dogs and 6 cats from area shelters to be in their ‘Seniors for Seniors’ program. The BPF grant funded the necessary medical costs so PRM could ensure these senior pets would live out the rest of their lives in loving homes.
Dorothy was among the 12 that literally got a second chance at life. Dorothy was found wandering the streets of downtown Baltimore as a stray. She was emaciated, had matted fur with infected skin wounds, and a mouthful of rotted teeth when she arrived at the local animal shelter. She had never been spayed, her nails were grown into her skin and she had severe intestinal distress. Like many seniors, she was labeled ‘rescue only’ because of the expensive costs for the shelter to make her adoptable. And with no rescue stepping forward to take Dorothy in, the shelter scheduled her euthanasia. Fortunately for Dorothy, a shelter worker who had grown fond of her called PRM to help.
Literally hours before her scheduled euthanasia, Dorothy was pulled from the shelter and rushed to PRM’s veterinarian. She was hospitalized overnight, received IV fluids, and the following day had a full-mouth extraction with filler inserted in her jaw where bone had eroded. She was placed in foster care while she regained strength before being spayed. After three months of recovery in foster care, Dorothy was adopted by a caring couple through ‘Seniors for Seniors’. Since then, Dorothy has brought much love and joy into her owners’ lives and is finally getting the care she always deserved. Thank you Pet Rescue of Maryland for finding homes for special senior friends!!
Dorothy with her new family.