It’s an occupational hazard when you work for BISSELL Pet Foundation…you advocate for adorable, lovable rescue pets; you fall in love with them at first sight; and then you take them home! That’s how it is around here and we’d like you to know more about our staff’s adopted pets.
Iris is a Yorkie mix, who is the best friend of Kat, our Program Assistant. Iris and 85 other dogs were rescued in April 2015 from a puppy mill in Kankakee, IL where newborn Iris was found in a shoebox. BPF provided funding and assisted with the raid which led Kat and Iris to meet. Kat knew she wanted to give a home to one of the puppies and she waited patiently until she finally had her chance to bring home Iris. Holly, BPF Senior Communications and Event Coordinator, also assisted on the raid and adopted Iris’ sister Lucy! Now these two littermates and best friends see each other for playdates and in the office—because it’s always take your pet to work day at BPF!
Holly also adopted Milton, who was saved from a Missouri puppy mill. Milton’s favorite thing to do is to come to work at BPF. He loves long meetings, PowerPoint presentations and Excel spreadsheets, as long as Holly is with him. Milton especially loves having his picture taken. (Check out our Facebook cover photo to see one of his poses!) He aspires to be a therapy dog to spread his love and happiness to everyone he encounters- because he just can’t contain his kisses!
Joanna, BPF’s Grant and Program Manager, also has two adopted pets: Max and TJ. During a winter storm in 2010, a small, brown creature darted into Joanna’s open door. Joanna couldn’t tell what Max was at first—he was black and brown with wet, matted fur and was covered in his own feces. He had clearly been neglected and left to die in the storm. After some extensive clean up, Joanna discovered he was an adorable Bichon Frise puppy. While Joanna was delighted by her new friend, her landlord would not allow her to keep a pet, so she found a temporary home for Max until he came to live with her forever.
Max loves to play with Joanna’s other adopted dog, TJ, a black Lab mix. Joanna visited a local rescue in 2014 intending to come home with a large breed dog like she had in childhood. She met several wonderful dogs, but didn’t find the right match until she encountered TJ. His playful and affectionate disposition was just what Joanna was seeking. Even though he was much smaller and didn’t look like what she had imagined, Joanna just knew he was the right dog for her!
Our team’s adopted pets have brought us so much joy! There are amazing pets in shelters and rescues across the nation just waiting to share their love with you. Once you adopt you will never shop again!